Interdisciplinary R&D team is engaged in:
- Fundamentals and characterization of Laser-induced plasma
- Clinical research and analysis of bio-samples
- Toxicology and nanoparticles detection
- Analysis of steel - carbon detection
- Analysis of soils - detection of nutrition elements
- Remote online diagnostics of production process
- Chemical mapping and depth profiling - μm scale resolution and high repetition rate
- Spectra processing - chemometric techniques, data mining, neural networks
- Combination with Raman spectroscopy, X-Ray computed tomography
International academic cooperation
Austria - Technical University Wien - Dr. Andreas Limbeck
China - Ocean University of China - prof. Ronger Zheng
Finland - University of Jyväskylä - Dr. Saara Kaski
France - University of Lyon - Dr. Vincent Motto-Ros
Germany - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing - Dr. Igor B. Gornushkin
Hungary - University of Szeged - prof. Gábor Galbács
Ireland - Dublic City University - prof. John Costello
Italy - University of Bari - prof. Alessandro De Giacomo
Japan - University of Tokushima - prof. Yoshihiro Deguchi
Slovakia - Comenius University in Bratislava - prof. Pavel Veis
Slovenia - University of Ljubljana
Spain - University of Malaga - prof. Javier Laserna
USA - University of Arizona - Dr. David W. Hahn
USA - University of Massachusetts - prof. Nouredine Melikechi